I will use the setup from my previous post: http://extjs-intro.blogspot.com/2014/04/basic-anatomy.html.You need at least this setup if you are to repeat any of the steps.
For reference, this is the grid panel example code from the ExtJS documentation: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.grid.Panel.
Let us now increase the width of the panel to 800 pixels to see what happens:
Ext.application({ name : 'MyApp', launch : function () { /* Put example code after this line */ Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { storeId : 'simpsonsStore', fields : ['name', 'email', 'phone'], data : { 'items' : [{ 'name' : 'Lisa', "email" : "lisa@simpsons.com", "phone" : "555-111-1224" }, { 'name' : 'Bart', "email" : "bart@simpsons.com", "phone" : "555-222-1234" }, { 'name' : 'Homer', "email" : "home@simpsons.com", "phone" : "555-222-1244" }, { 'name' : 'Marge', "email" : "marge@simpsons.com", "phone" : "555-222-1254" } ] }, proxy : { type : 'memory', reader : { type : 'json', root : 'items' } } }); Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { title : 'Simpsons', store : Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'), columns : [{ text : 'Name', dataIndex : 'name' }, { text : 'Email', dataIndex : 'email', flex : 1 }, { text : 'Phone', dataIndex : 'phone' } ], height : 200, width : 800, renderTo : Ext.getBody() }); /* Put example code before this line */ } });
When we run this in the browser, we will get the following result:
![]() |
Screenshot 1 |
flex : 1
If we are to comment out this line, the screenshot will look like this:
![]() |
Screenshot 2 |
Let us now increase the length of one of the names so that the first column is no longer wide enough to show it all. Lets make Lisa of Babylonian descent and rename her to "Lisa Nebuchadnezzar". This should be just long enough not to be shown entirely. And here's the screenshot:
![]() |
Screenshot 3 |
Resizing the column to fit the contents can be achieved in the following way. The column will have to be manipulated. The docs we have to be looking at are not those of the grid panel but the columns: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.grid.column.Column. Scrolling down, there is a method called: autoSize(). According to the description, this should do. We should be calling this method at runtime. To achieve this, we can do the following two operations:
- add a property to the column
autoSizeColumn : true
- add the following block to the grid panel
viewConfig : { listeners : { refresh : function (dataview) { Ext.each(dataview.panel.columns, function (column) { if (column.autoSizeColumn === true) column.autoSize(); }) } } },
The final result can be seen in the last screenshot:
![]() |
Screenshot 4 |
For completeness, this is the final code:
Ext.application({ name : 'MyApp', launch : function () { /* Put example code after this line */ Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { storeId : 'simpsonsStore', fields : ['name', 'email', 'phone'], data : { 'items' : [{ 'name' : 'Lisa Nebuchadnezzar', "email" : "lisa@simpsons.com", "phone" : "555-111-1224" }, { 'name' : 'Bart', "email" : "bart@simpsons.com", "phone" : "555-222-1234" }, { 'name' : 'Homer', "email" : "home@simpsons.com", "phone" : "555-222-1244" }, { 'name' : 'Marge', "email" : "marge@simpsons.com", "phone" : "555-222-1254" } ] }, proxy : { type : 'memory', reader : { type : 'json', root : 'items' } } }); Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { title : 'Simpsons', store : Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'), columns : [{ text : 'Name', dataIndex : 'name', autoSizeColumn : true }, { text : 'Email', dataIndex : 'email', //flex : 1 }, { text : 'Phone', dataIndex : 'phone' } ], height : 200, width : 800, viewConfig : { listeners : { refresh : function (dataview) { Ext.each(dataview.panel.columns, function (column) { if (column.autoSizeColumn === true) column.autoSize(); }) } } }, renderTo : Ext.getBody() }) /* Put example code before this line */ } });
nice hack... thanks for the information :)
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Thanks for this article very helpful. thanks. 24 hour truck tire repair